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Helping fuel community-wide collaboration efforts to provide a solid foundation from which students can grow to reach their full potential.


It is Crystal Lake Friends of Gifted Education’s vision that District 47 be a place where all students with specialized academic needs are supported. We aim to funnel community wide-collaboration efforts into funding, advocating for and enriching the learning experience of EC teachers, students and their families.


We believe all students should be supported with academic materials and experiences on par with their learning level to provide them with the best chance of future success and we believe in a community that understands the value of supporting students with these learning gifts.

Without mandates from our government to fund gifted education, community leaders must pick up the slack if these students are to be given the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential that will positively benefit themselves and our society. Crystal Lake Friends of Gifted Education is committed to encouraging and fostering collaboration efforts between District 47 leaders in education, administration and business to provide this foundation of support and a pathway to success, benefiting all students and families with gifted learners.

Motto: Supporting the families and educators in District 47’s Extended Curriculum Program since 1982